The LifeSkills program is for students who wish to continue their learning in a small supportive environment. The curriculum addresses the need for ongoing skill development in reading, writing and numeracy. In addition, there is a focus on ensuring that student’s educational gaps are met as well as providing the skills necessary for independent living, community participation, and further education / training options.
- Classes are held every Monday during school terms.
- Class times 10:00am - 2:30pm.
- Students who participate in this program complete the below certificate.
22555VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
This certificate is intended to support the development of simple literacy and numeracy skills for students with intellectual disabilities.
The course supports learners with significant cognitive disabilities or impairments to develop beginning skills in reading, writing and numeracy. These skills facilitate the learner’s ability and confidence to participate in the community.
Course Structure
Successful completion of 22555VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy requires successful completion of 11 units. The combination is made up from the selection of units below as decided by tutors.
VU22904 Recognise and use time
VU22907 Read simple phrases
VU22908 Write simple phrases
VU22109 Complete forms
VU22910 Read simple sentences
VU22911 Write simple sentences
VU22912 Communicate orally using simple sentences
VU22109 Complete forms
VU22913 Give and follow simple directions
VU22099 Recognise and interpret safety signs and symbols
VU22914 Recognise and use simple fractions
VU22915 Count and use numbers up to 100
VU22920 Use simple multiples up to 1000
VU22921 Use coins and notes
VU22922 Use simple addition skills
VU22923 Use simple subtraction skills
Delivery Options
1 day per week over 2 years during school term. Students can commence at any time during the year.
Course Requirements
This accredited course is restricted to post compulsory school age learners with evidence of a permanent cognitive impairment / intellectual disability. There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, we require students to attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered by a qualified tutor in a face to face classroom setting. Students must complete a series of assessment tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent in each unit. These tasks may take the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which will be completed in the classroom. Support is provided to assist students to complete these tasks. Please refer to RTO-Support Services Policy in the Student Handbook.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend assessment timeframes to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
b) An individual must not be;
i) the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher
ii) enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and
iii) not attending school.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Course Fees
Please note fees represent amount payable for one calendar year and as your course exceeds more than one year, new fees will be payable each year. At the end of the calendar year you will be informed of your financial commitment for the coming year and you will have the option to cease your studies if you choose.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
If you require further information or wish to apply for a place in this course you must contact Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley on 9808 2000
RTO No 20213
This is an annual program for young people who would like to try a different approach to their education. Designed for students aged 15-17 years who have had a break in their schooling or experience difficulty attending mainstream schooling, the focus of this program is supporting and encouraging young people to recommence or help them continue their education journey.
The curriculum continues to meet a strong demand to provide skill development in reading, writing and numeracy, meet personal needs and facilitate community participation, or workplace and further education and training options.
- Classes are held Monday - Thursdays during school terms at Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley.
- Class times 9:30am - 3:00pm
22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults
22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults outcomes focus on the development of literacy skills to create and interpret simple, personally relevant texts and mathematical knowledge to apply numeracy skills in everyday familiar situations.
Course Structure
Successful completion of 22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults requires successful completion of 16 units.
Delivery Options
4 days per week over 1 year during school terms. Students are enrolled via reengagement contracts through the Department of Education.
Course Requirements
There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level.
Students need to be aged 15-17 years. Students outside this age group are considered in exceptional circumstances.
Students under 17 years of age must stay enrolled at a Victorian secondary school. As part of enrolment confirmation into the ReFresh Program, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is established between the school and Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, students must attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered face to face in a classroom setting with a tutor leading the class. Students must also complete class work to a standard deemed satisfactory by the assessor, a series of classroom based assessment tasks in the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which must be submitted by the due date as directed by the tutor. Full support will be provided to assist students to complete these tasks.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We are offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend course and or assessment timeframe to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral answers or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
and must not be the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher or enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and not attending school and over the age of 15*.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Please contact us for more information about the program costs on 03 9808 2000.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
If you require further information or wish to apply for a place in this course you must contact Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley on 9808 2000
RTO No 20213
This program has been developed for students who want to improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills.
• Classes are held every Wednesday 10:00am-2:00pm during school terms.
• Students who participate in this Program complete the below Certificate.
22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory)
This certificate is intended to support the education and training needs of adults who need to improve their literacy, basic maths and general education skills to access further study, employment or to participate in the community. This course focuses on the need for ongoing skill development in literacy across a range of paper based and web based text types and mathematical knowledge to apply numeracy skills in everyday familiar situations and to develop learning goals. This course also focuses on ensuring that student’s educational gaps are met as well as providing the skills necessary for independent living, community participation, and further education / training options. This certificate supports the development of building self-esteem and gaining confidence through a supportive and encouraging learning environment.
Course Structure
Successful completion of 22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) requires successful completion of 16 units:
VU22358 Develop learning goals
VU22360 Engage with simple texts for personal purposes
VU22365 Create simple texts for personal purposes
VU22373 Work with and interpret simple statistical information in familiar texts
VU22359 Conduct a project with guidance
VU22361 Engage with simple texts for learning purposes
VU22366 Create simple texts for learning purposes
VU22369 Work with simple numbers and money in familiar situations
VU22363 Engage with simple texts to participate in the community
VU22368 Create simple texts to participate in the community
VU22370 Use simple subtraction skills
VU22370 Use simple subtraction skills
VU22372 Work with and interpret simple numerical information in familiar texts
VU22377 Identify Australian environmental issues
VU22375 Apply basic computer skills to language learning
BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
VU22379 Identify community options
Delivery Options
One day per week over 2 years during school terms. Students can commence at any time during the year.
Course Requirements
This program is for adults with a permanent cognitive impairment/ intellectual disability. There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills.
An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, we require students to attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered by a qualified tutor in a face to face classroom setting. Students must complete a series of assessment tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent in each unit. These tasks may take the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which will be completed in the classroom. Support is provided to assist students to complete these tasks. Please refer to RTO-Support Services Policy in the Student Handbook.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend assessment timeframes to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
b) An individual must not be;
i) the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher
ii) enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and
iii) not attending school.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Course Fees
Please note fees represent amount payable for one calendar year and as your course exceeds more than one year, new fees will be payable each year. At the end of the calendar year you will be informed of your financial commitment for the coming year and you will have the option to cease your studies if you choose.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education
The focus of the curriculum is to support learners with permanent intellectual disabilities to develop the skills to find the most appropriate option for them in the community after leaving school. This may include employment, volunteer work or further study.
- This certificate is delivered at Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley in the LifeSkills program.
- Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school terms.
- Students can attend one, two or three days per week.
- Class times 10:00am - 2:30pm.
Course Structure
Successful completion of the 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education requires successful completion of 10 units:
6 Core:
VU23034 Develop personal goals with support
VU23035 Explore self-development
VU23036 Participate in travel activities
VU23037 Explore future options for further training, work or community activities
VU23038 Participate in the community
VU23039 Use technology for a range of purposes
4 Electives : (combination of the following as decided by tutors )
BSBITU211 Produce digital documents
VU22106 Use recipes to prepare food
VU22359 Conduct a project with guidance
VU23041 Access the media
VU23057 Participate in creative activities
VU23045 Apply numeracy for a range of purposes
VU23040 Explore personal well being
VU22588 Read and write short basic messages and forms
Delivery Options
1 day per week over 5 years
2 days per week over 3 years
3 days per week over 2 years
Students can commence this certificate at any time during the year.
Course Requirements
This certificate is restricted to post-compulsory school aged learners with evidence of a permanent cognitive impairment/ intellectual disability. There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, we require students to attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered by a qualified tutor in a face to face classroom setting. Students must complete a series of assessment tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent in each unit. These tasks may take the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which will be completed in the classroom. Support is provided to assist students to complete these tasks. Please refer to RTO-Support Services Policy in the Student Handbook.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend assessment timeframes to meet student needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
b) An individual must not be;
i) the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher
ii) enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and
iii) not attending school.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Course Fees
Please note fees represent amount payable for one calendar year and as your course exceeds more than one year, new fees will be payable each year. At the end of the calendar year you will be informed of your financial commitment for the coming year and you will have the option to cease your studies if you choose.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
IIf you require further information or wish to apply for a place in this course you must contact Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley on 9808 2000
RTO No 20213
ReNew’s primary focus is re-engaging adolescents who are completely disengaged from mainstream schools. Students participating in ReNew often have multiple challenges that may impact on their education journey. The ReNew program provides an important stepping stone into further educational options. The program provides wrap around support for students via a secondary teacher and a youth worker. Together these staff are able to address both educational and social/welfare issues. The ReNew program has a rolling intake throughout the year; students participating in the program complete 22471VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults.
ReNew is for adolescents who are not ready to engage in full time study.
- Classes are held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during school terms and students are expected to attend all these sessions each week.
- Class times 9:30am - 12:00pm
22471VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults
The Course in Initial General Education for Adults provides learners who may have low literacy and numeracy skills the opportunity to build confidence, re-engage with learning and pathway into AQF qualifications.
The current curriculum continues to meet a strong demand to provide skill development in reading, writing and numeracy, meet personal needs and facilitate community participation, further education and training options.
Course Structure
Successful completion of 22471VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults requires completion of 11 units
Delivery Options
3 half days per week over 1 year during school terms. Students are enrolled via reengagement contracts through the Department of Education.
Course Requirements
There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level.
Students need to be aged 15-17 years. Students outside this age group are considered in exceptional circumstances.
Students under 17 years of age must stay enrolled at a Victorian secondary school. As part of enrolment confirmation into the ReNew Program, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is established between the school and Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, students must attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered face to face in a classroom setting with a tutor leading the class. Students must also complete class work to a standard deemed satisfactory by the assessor, a series of classroom based assessment tasks in the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which must be submitted by the due date as directed by the tutor. Full support will be provided to assist students to complete these tasks.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We are offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend course and or assessment timeframe to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral answers or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Victorian Training Guarantee requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
and must not be the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher or enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and not attending school and over the age of 15*.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Please contact us for more information about the program costs on 03 9808 2000.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
If you require further information or wish to apply for a place in this course you must contact Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley on 9808 2000
RTO No 20213
The Living and Learning program is for students with a permanent cognitive impairment and / or intellectual disability who wish to continue their learning in a small, supportive environment. The curriculum addresses the need for ongoing skill development in reading, writing and numeracy for learners who struggle to maintain reading and writing skills. In addition, there is a focus on ensuring that student’s educational gaps are met as well as providing the skills necessary for independent living, community participation, and further education / training options.
- Classes are held every Monday and Thursday during school terms.
- Class times 10:00am - 2:30pm.
- Students who participate in this program complete the below certificate.
22554VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
This certificate is intended to support the development of simple literacy and numeracy skills for students with intellectual disabilities.
The course supports learners with significant cognitive disabilities or impairments to develop skills in reading, writing and numeracy. These skills facilitate the learner’s ability and confidence to participate in the community.
Course Structure
Successful completion of 22554VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy requires successful completion of 7 units comprising of 2 literacy units from the literacy unit list, 2 numeracy units from the numeracy unit list and 3 literacy and / or numeracy units from the literacy and numeracy lists that have not previously been completed.
VU22892 Recognise and use letters of the alphabet
VU22900 Communicate orally using simple words
VU22904 Recognise and use time
VU22905 Recognise coins and notes
VU22897 Read simple words
VU22899 Write simple words
VU22901 Recognise and use whole numbers up to 20
Delivery Options
1 day per week over 2 years during school term. Students can commence at any time during the year.
Course Requirements
This accredited course is restricted to post compulsory school age learners with evidence of a permanent cognitive impairment / intellectual disability. There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level. To enrol in this course, applicants must complete an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) skills assessment conducted by Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, we require students to attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered by a qualified tutor in a face to face classroom setting. Students must complete a series of assessment tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent in each unit. These tasks may take the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which will be completed in the classroom. Support is provided to assist students to complete these tasks. Please refer to RTO-Support Services Policy in the Student Handbook.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend assessment timeframes to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
b) An individual must not be;
i) the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher
ii) enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and
iii) attending school.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Course Fees
Please note fees represent amount payable for one calendar year and as your course exceeds more than one year, new fees will be payable each year. At the end of the calendar year you will be informed of your financial commitment for the coming year and you will have the option to cease your studies if you choose.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding.
If you require further information or wish to apply for a place in this course you must contact Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley on 9808 2000
RTO No 20213
Café - Introduction to Hospitality
The Café Introduction to Hospitality training program provides students with an acquired brain injury (ABI) to develop food planning, preparation and customer service skills in an operational training café environment. Students develop the required skills in cooking, safe food handling and customer service to make them job ready.
• Classes are held every Friday during school terms.
• Class times 10:00am - 2:30pm.
• Students who participate and successfully complete this course will receive a Statement of Attainment.
22554VIC Course in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
This course is intended to support the development of simple literacy and numeracy skills for students with intellectual disabilities that are contextualised for the hospitality environment.
The course supports learners with significant cognitive disabilities or impairments to develop skills in reading, writing and numeracy as they apply to working in a café environment. These skills facilitate the learner’s ability and confidence to obtain work or volunteer in an entry level hospitality role.
Course Structure
Successful completion of the following units
VU22896 Recognise Pictures and Symbols
VU22892 Recognise and use letters of the alphabet
VU22904 Recognise and use time
VU22905 Recognise coins and notes
Delivery Options
1 day per week over 1 year during school term. Students can commence at any time during the year.
Course Requirements
This accredited course is restricted to post compulsory school age learners with evidence of a permanent cognitive impairment / intellectual disability. There are no course pre-requisites as this course is at foundation level. To enrol in this course, applicants must complete an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) skills assessment conducted by Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley.
Pre-Training Review
Part of the enrolment process, Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley must conduct a Pre-Training Review of current competencies. The Pre-Training Review will:
a) identify any competencies previously acquired (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), or Credit Transfer);
b) ascertain the most appropriate qualification for each student to enrol in,
c) ascertain that the proposed learning strategies and materials are appropriate for each student
d) ascertain current learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy skills. An important component of the pre training review process encompasses each student completing an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) assessment. The (ACSF) assessment enables Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley to identify the student’s core skill level in the areas of Learning, Reading, Writing, Oral communication and Numeracy.
The Pre-Training Review will ascertain if this course is suitable for you.
Training and Assessment
For the successful completion of this course, we require students to attend classes regularly. Classes are delivered by a qualified tutor in a face to face classroom setting. Students must complete a series of assessment tasks to a satisfactory level to be deemed competent in each unit. These tasks may take the form of work sheets, projects, computer activities etc. which will be completed in the classroom. Support is provided to assist students to complete these tasks. Please refer to RTO-Support Services Policy in the Student Handbook.
Special Consideration in Assessment
We offer flexible scheduling in training and assessment and are able to extend assessment timeframes to meet student’s needs. Assistance when undertaking assessment is available by providing oral or scribe services.
Eligibility for Government Funding
To be eligible for government funding an individual must meet Skills First requirements as follows:
a) An individual must be:
i) an Australian citizen; or
ii) a holder of a permanent visa; or
iii) a New Zealand citizen;
b) An individual must not be;
i) the holder of a qualification issued by an Australian higher education provider that is at AQF level 5 (Diploma) or higher
ii) enrolled in the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Skills for Education and Employment’ program and
iii) attending school.
Please note government funding is only available for up to two government subsidised courses in a calendar year.
Course Fees
Please note fees represent amount payable for one calendar year and as your course exceeds more than one year, new fees will be payable each year. At the end of the calendar year you will be informed of your financial commitment for the coming year and you will have the option to cease your studies if you choose.
Please refer to the Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley Fees and Charges.
How to enrol in a class at Avenue Neighbourhood House
Accredited Training Courses
To enrol in an accredited training course at Avenue Neighbourhood House (RTO 20213) please contact us on 9808 2000 or email
Online enrolments forms are not accepted for accredited training courses.