Childcare & Early Learning

We are an approved Childcare Subsidy (CCS) provider. The Government CCS makes early learning more affordable for many families.

The CCS is a single, means-tested subsidy from the Australian Government paid directly to the Childcare Centre to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. If you are eligible for CCS you can save a percentage of fees.  All fees are to be paid in advance. 

For information on the Childcare Subsidy click here

Opening Hours: 

Monday: 9am to 3pm

Tuesday - Friday: 8am to 4pm

Community Bus Runs 2

Community Bus Runs

Our community bus runs regularly between local pre-schools and our Early Learning Centre to pick up or drop off.

Occasional Care 1

Occasional childcare

Bookings are essential. Cancellations must be notified.

Pre Kinder Group 1

3 & 4 Year Old Group

We are pleased to offer a three and four year group on a Monday. This session is for six hours only.